Digital Marketing Solution

Truth. Transparency. Honesty.
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We love digital marketing and advertising…truly

Searchology and our founder, Alton J. Duderstadt II, has spent years in sales, direct mail, and the magazine business before making the step into Digital A&M in early 2001. We have spent years building our reputation and our digital expertise to ensure our clients have the very best staff to serve their digital needs. We love digital so much that we even came up with a concept for the Seven Disciplines of Digital Marketing. We believe that the foundation really is the strongest element to any digital effort.

The Seven Disciplines of Digital Marketing:

We have the skills, team, and expertise to provide your company and brand with every digital discipline you need to succeed online. We have spent well over 10,000 hours in our craft and we want to share our knowledge with you. We believe an informed and educated client is the best type of client to have. The more YOU know the better we can work together as a team to achieve your goals.

We are your partner, sounding board, and internal go-to digital team

We are not your average small SEO firm. No, sir. We believe in accountability and shared responsibility. We are not your vendor nor your service provider. Our clients refer to us as ‘the digital team’ or their ‘digital arm’. It is so important that we always share the truth with our clients and take the good, bad, great, and fugly…and make it into something great for everyone involved. We fully understand that the work we do puts food on the table for your employees [as it puts food on our table]. We take that very seriously and every client is our favorite and every client is treated with paramount respect.

Our digital marketing is truly a result of what clients need versus what they want. A social media campaign may be good for some clients but will eventually fail for others. Our offerings are based on needs, wants, and balance with what truly works. This is why we have been able to maintain an 85% client retention rate over the years. Our deep respect for our clients and our ability to provide real services with real results.

Why Digital Vs. Traditional Marketing & Advertising?

Find out more by giving us a call. It is free of charge and we are always delighted to speak with new prospective clients and partners. 1.312.316.7202.