Net Neutrality Basics and Overview

Baciscs of Net Neutrality

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What is Net Neutrality?

  • The principles if Net Neutrality:
    • Keep the Internet free for all to use
    • Anyone can access to the Internet and all the contents therein
    • No single person or entity owns or controls the Internet
    • Protects free speech
    • Provides all users with the ability to freely communicate
    • Content cannot be filtered or blocked
    • Apps and websites cannot be blocked
    • Speed throttling is prohibited
    • Paid ‘fast lanes’ are not allowed

What is the status of Net Neutrality?

  • On December 14th, 2017, the FCC voted [3-2] to kill the TITLE II section adopted the Obama Administration in 2015. Anjit Pai is the FCC chairman and was in full opposition to Net Neutrality and the votes were down party lines.
    • Title II was adopted, “by the Federal Communications Commission under former President Barack Obama. Those rules subject broadband providers like AT&T, Charter, Comcast* and Verizon to utility-style regulation, all in a bid to stop them from blocking access to web pages, slowing down connections or prioritizing some content over others.” [source]
  • Currently, legal challenges are moving their way through the courts, but more importantly, Congress has enough co-sponsors [40] to hold a vote on the Senate floor. A CRA [congressional review act] is moving forward both in the Senate and House.
  • Anjit Pai mocked Internet users [] by claiming Internet users will still be able to:
    • Instagram your food
    • Take selfies with your pets
    • Shop for Christmas presents
    • Watch your shows
    • Remain a super-fan [online]
    • Use memes to your heart’s content
    • And do the “Harlem Shake”

Why is Net Neutrality important to you and your business?

  • If you count on your website for any of the following;
    • Website Leads
    • Online phone calls
    • Website traffic
    • Website traffic that converts to floor traffic
    • Providing information
    • Providing goods or services to any area
    • It is your primary source of advertising and marketing
    • If you consider your website a key asset in your business model
  • You can expect the following if Net Neutrality remains defeated:
    • ISPs [Internet Service Providers] will/may;
      • Charge you more for access to the Internet
      • Your Internet speed can change based on the package you have chosen
      • Access to your favourite sites may be sold on a package or tiered basis
      • Content will be decided on what the ISPs what you to see not what you CHOOSE to see
        • commerce sites, news outlets all may be restricted based on your content package – thus, curtailing and effectively shutting down free thought, free speech, and much more
      • What this means for your business:
        • If you want your blog or website to be seen online, you may have to pay fees directly to the ISPs
        • Additional costs will be associated with SEO, PPC, and access to visibility and your target markets
        • Your opportunity to have a fair playing field with much bigger companies will greatly diminish
        • Strong possibilities for large companies, new networks, and mega-corporations to rule and control every aspect of the Internet thereby preventing your company from gaining new visibility, chocking off brand awareness, online reviews, social sharing, and more

The Internet was created for all to use and for none to control. The very principle is based on freedom of speech, freedom of communication, and the ability to share knowledge. If our ability to access the Internet is taken away or restricted in any way the result will be billions in lost revenue, lost revenue streams for businesses, lost sales leads, and billions taken or deterred from e-commerce stores.

How to help:

  2. Call your local members of Congress –

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Baciscs of Net Neutrality
internet freedom

Net Neutrality Basics and Overview

What is Net Neutrality? The principles if Net Neutrality: Keep the Internet free for all to use Anyone can access to the Internet and all